6 research outputs found

    Expressive rendering of mountainous terrain

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    technical reportPainters and cartographers have developed artistic landscape rendering techniques for centuries. Such renderings can visualize complex three-dimensional landscapes in a pleasing and understandable way. In this work we examine a particular type of artistic depiction, panorama maps, in terms of function and style, and we develop methods to automatically generate panorama map reminiscent renderings from GIS data. In particular, we develop image-based procedural surface textures for mountainous terrain. Our methods use the structural information present in the terrain and are developed with perceptual metrics and artistic considerations in mind

    Implementation of an individual educational route in inclusive practice

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    There is currently a trend towards an increase in the number of children with special educational needs enrolled in inclusive schools. Thus, the number of children with special educational needs enrolled in inclusive schools is growing. This is caused both by significant changes in the legal regulatory framework, including the 2012 Federal Law on Education, the adoption of the Federal State Educational Standard of Primary General Education for Children with Special Needs, etc. and by the fact that in some regions the number of specialized schools is decreasing, inclusive education becomes a more affordable option for children with special education needs. School specialists, parents, and the public engage in an active dialogue about choosing the most efficient path for an educational route for special needs children, comparing the advantages and disadvantages of inclusive and special education. The design and implementation of an individual educational route, an individual curriculum is essential for children with special needs in terms of improving the quality of education and efficiently entering social life. The relevance of the study is determined by identifying the components that facilitate and complicate, hinder the development and implementation of an individual educational route for these children in an educational organization; the determination of the content of an individual educational route based on the current situation in a practical institution considering the requirements of inclusive education. The purpose of the study is to explore the problems of developing and implementing individual educational routes for children with special needs in the context of inclusion and to determine ways to solve these problems. The key methods of the study are a questionnaire and a structured interview. The empirical data confirms the assumption that the development and implementation of an individual educational route for children with special needs in an educational organization are problematic and inefficient for several reasons. The data obtained is new since similar research results have not been found in the open sources over the past five years

    The implementation of inclusive education in preschool educational institutions of Russia

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    The article considers the problem of inclusion through the example of preschool educational institutions. In order to determine and scientifically substantiate structural and pedagogical conditions for the inclusion of children with impaired psychophysical development in a preschool educational institution, an ascertaining experiment was conducted in four preschool institutions. It was revealed that many problems had not been previously diagnosed for a number of reasons and, accordingly, the problem was not addressed. Most educators and parents do not know children development standards and, therefore, are not able to bring the problem into sharp focus or do not take it seriously.El art铆culo considera el problema de la inclusi贸n a trav茅s del ejemplo de las instituciones educativas preescolares. Con el fin de determinar y corroborar cient铆ficamente las condiciones estructurales y pedag贸gicas para la inclusi贸n de ni帽os con problemas de desarrollo psicof铆sico en una instituci贸n educativa preescolar, se realiz贸 un experimento en cuatro instituciones preescolares. Se revel贸 que muchos problemas no hab铆an sido diagnosticados previamente por varias razones y, en consecuencia, el problema no fue abordado. La mayor铆a de los educadores y los padres no conocen los est谩ndares de desarrollo infantil y, por lo tanto, no son capaces de enfocar el problema o no lo toman en serio